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Masters In Digital Marketing

Get Enrolled in a Digital Marketing Course that covers both Basic to Advanced standards of web promoting that any business or specialist needs to have in their range of abilities to endeavor and make due in this consistently changing universe of computerized showcasing.

The computerized promoting course will enable you to develop your advertising information, advance yourself in your profession, or work on your insight on computerized stages

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DMC Master In Digital Marketing

DMC refined Masters in Digital Marketing course will transform you into a total Digital marketing  master. You will dominate various parts of Digital Marketing that incorporates SEO, Social Media promoting, YouTube Marketing, Digital Marketing systems, Backlink exercises, Display advertisements, Google Algorithms and significantly more. We give the best Masters in Digital Marketing Course in India

Why to enroll Masters in Digital Marketing course?

By and by Digital Marketing is a roaring vocation choice and with expanding interest for talented Digital Marketers, many decide on Digital Marketing as a profession. These days, numerous expert jobs request Digital Marketing abilities.

We offer the best Online Masters in Digital Marketing course in India. Our course is planned so that it won’t just work on your insight yet will likewise improve your abilities. Understand your fantasy about making a profession in the advanced advertising domain by taking on our program.


Upgrade your vocation shift/abilities/extra pay through outsourcing.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Upscale to improve pay and profession openings

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Improve your current abilities and information.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Make an extra pay while sitting at home.

Students ​

A new line of work in an association or start your vocation as a fresher

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Develop your image and to help your income

Business owner generate 3X revenue
Jobseekers got their first job
Working Professionals switch their career successfully
Housewives are making additional income
Freelancers have started earning from home


Doubt Solving

12+ certificates

40+ modules and tools

Customized Resume Feedback

Internship Program with DMC

Availability of staff nonstop for question goal​

100+ hours live lectures

Get mentored by industry experts​

1-on-1 mentor​

All live sessions Recordings available​

Mock interviews by industry experts​

Digital portal for 24x7 access to all content​

Certifications from google​

Guest lectures ​

Live projects​

Business consulting​

EMI options​

Live Client Pitching training​

Educational plan of Masters in Digital Marketing Course

Our Masters in Digital Marketing course educational plan is refreshed and fulfills the current business guidelines. We perform customary upgradation on our courses to guarantee that our learners get the best information in the business. We’ve broad preparing philosophy to cause you to learn different Digital Marketing methods through 40+imperative Modules.

The Advanced preparing program begins with the 12 fundamental modules. What’s more, from that point onward, you can get specialization in Online Advertising, Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing. In addition, we additionally give 2 Master Programs in Online Earning through Affiliate Marketing, Digital Sales Optimization and Freelancing.

Google Tag Manager

  • Introduction to Google Tag Manager
  • Fundamentals of Google Tag Manager
  • How to install Google Tag Manager on your website
  • Introduction to GTM dashboard
  • How to connect Google Analytics to Google Tag Manager.
  • How to video tracking
  • How to do page view tracking on your website
  • How to do text tracking on your website
  • Button click tracking
  • How to add Facebook pixel
  • What is remarketing and how you can do remarketing
  • Set up a Conversion tracking on your website
  • How to add chatbot to your Website
  • Why to connect schema on your website
  • How to track website scroll depth with Google Tag Manager
  • Work with triggers – how to delete and restore the triggers

Introduction to SEM – Fundamentals & Case Studies

  • Consumer Journey
  • What is SEM? Why SEM
  • What is Google AdWords, Why Google AdWords
  • Google Network
  • AdWords Terminologies
  • How Does the SEM Auction Work
  • Structure of an AdWords Account
  • Campaign Types – Introduction to Search, Display (including Videos)
  • Shopping and Mobile-specific campaign types, and when/why to use them
  • Creation of Search Network Campaign
    • Ad
    • Ad Formats
    • Ad Text Policies
    • Ad Text Best Practices
    • DKI
    • Ad Extensions
    • Keyword Research
    • Tools – Keyword Planner & Estimator
    • Keyword Match types
    • Keyword Strategies
    • Landing Page
    • Bidding and Budget
    • Optimizing the Search Network Campaign using the Keyword Planner, Match types, Ad Text best practices, etc

Creation of Google Display Network

  • GDN Targeting Options
  • Display Ad Formats
  • Ad Gallery Tool
  • Conversion Tracking
  • GDN Campaign Creation – Demo
  • Remarketing
  • Advanced Display: RLSA, Dynamic Remarketing, YouTube Remarketing
  • Advanced Display: Smart Display Campaigns

Mobile Ad Campaigns

  • Universal App Campaigns
  • Mobile-Specific Bidding and Targeting Strategies
  • Measuring Mobile Ad Performance and Conversions Report Editor
  • Optimization Strategies
  • Account Audit Demo

Shopping Campaigns – Introduction

  • What are Google Shopping Ads /Product Listing Ads
  • Where do they appear on Google? What Shoppers on the internet do
  • What retailers need? – New Advertising technologies
  • Google Shopping set retailers up for success
  • Features of Google Shopping Why PLA’s and the path to creating PLA Ads
  • Merchant Centre Steps
  • Create Shopping Campaign on Google AdWords
  • Track Performance and Optimize the Campaigns

YouTube Marketing – Introduction & Ad Formats

  • YouTube Ad Formats
  • YouTube Campaign Creation
  • YouTube Analytics

How do Search Engines work

  •  Indexing & Crawling Basics
  • Optimizing Crawl Budget
  • Intro to SEO

How do Search Engines work

  • Anatomy of a Search Result (Search Snippet)
  • What is On-page SEO (Content, Architecture, HTML)
  • What is Off-page SEO/Link Building (Social, Content-based, PR)

Keyword Research

  • Finding Seed Keywords: Mind Map for Keyword Research
  • Using Wikipedia, Forums for Keyword Research
  • Keyword Research Process – Identify Seed Keywords, Collect Metrics, Map Keywords
  • Google Keyword Planner Tool

On-page SEO & HTML Basics

  • Web Page Basics: What is HTML, JavaScript,CSS
  • Basic HTML Tags to create a web page
  • HTML Tags for SEO: Title, H1, META Tags, IMG, A

On-page SEO Elements

  • Crawling: XML, HTML Sitemaps, Robots.txt
  • Content Clusters (Creating SEO-based content)
  • Negative on-page to avoid

Technical SEO

  • URL Architecture
  • Page Speed Analysis (GTMetrix / YSlow / Google Page Speed Insights)
  • 301 Redirects

Mobile SEO

  • App Store Optimisation
  • Mobile Websites: Responsive, Adaptive, Dynamic
  • Optimizing for Voice Search

Schema markup

  • What is Schema & Why is it relevant to SEO
  • Schema Types – Micro, JSON-LD
  • Common JSON Schema Tags – Organisation, Website, Blog Posting LocalBusiness
  • How Schema shows up in SERPs

Off-page SEO
Link Building

  • What is Link Building
  • Link Building Tactics
  • Manual Link Building Process
  • Link Building Metrics

Social SEO

  • Quora
  • YouTube Video SEO
  • Slideshare, Scribd and other Social Channels for SEO

Local SEO

  • What is Local SEO, Pigeon Update
  • Google My Business, Bing Places
  • Local Pages on your website
  • Local Listings/Citations

Backlink Audits using

  • Backlink audit of one website
  • How to audit backlinks of competitors and gain insights

SEO Audit, Tools, Measurement
SEO Audits

  • What are SEO Audits
  • Different Types of SEO Audits
  • Complete SEO Audit with Checklist – Screaming Frog SEO Spider SEMRush Backlink Audit, Page
  • Speed Audit with GTMetrix / Google Page Speed Insights, Mobile Site Audit
  • Google Search Console

Algorithm Updates

  • History of Google Algorithms
  • Panda, Penguin, Pigeon, Caffeine updates
  • RankBrain and the Future of SEO

Measurement with Google Analytics

  • Basics of Google Analytics
  • SEO Metrics to Measure – On-page, Off-page, Technical
  • SEO Reporting

SEO Resources, Careers in SEO

  • Top Blogs to follow for SEO
  • Free Learning Resources – Moz, Google Analytics
  • A career in SEO


  • Setting-up an Email Marketing Machine
  • ISPs, Hosting Facility and MTA
  • IP/DNS and Shared vs. Dedicated IPs
  • MX Record, Whitelisting, Response Handlers and Bounces

Effective Email Content

  • Conversation
  • Relevance
  • Incentives
  • Timing
  • Creative & Copy
  • Attributes

Customer Acquisition Strategies

  • Rented List Emails
  • Co-branded Emails
  • Third Party Email Newsletters
  • Viral Emails
  • Event Triggered Emails
  • House E-newsletters

Effective Creative Introducing

  • CRABS- Does your Emails have Crabs
  • Email Template Model
  • Best Practices
  • NLP Demonstrations (Neuro Linguistic Programming) to Understand Customers Better

Nurturing & Automation

  • Tools to Enhance Lead Nurturing
  • Enhance Better Reach
  • Analyze Behavior Patterns
  • Analytics
  • Automation and More

Resources to do situational analysis and progressive updates

  • Customer Personal Toolkit
  • Complete Email Marketing Worksheet
  • Content Editorial Calendar
  • Digital Marketing Strategy Toolkit
  • Email Contact Strategy Template
  • Email Campaign Calculator
  • Email Marketing Health Check
  • Structuring Digital Marketing Team
  • Web Resources to Improve Subject lines, HTML Codes, Spam Testers and Deliverability Issues

Email Automation
Introduction to Automation

  • What is Automation
  • How does it Work
  • What are the Benefits

Choosing an Automation Platform

  • Features & Functions Available
  • What are Workflows? How to Create a Workflow
  • Cost
  • Most Widely Used Platforms

Simple Automation Functions from MailChimp

  • Click to Reply Options – Demonstrated
  • Other Features Explained
  • Results – Demonstrated – Practical

Getting Started with Social Media Marketing

Introduction to Social Media

Facebook Marketing

Creating Content for Facebook & Social Media

  • Why Content is the foundation of SMM
  • Psychology of Social Sharing
  • Building Content That is Inherently Shareable

Tools for Content Creation

Facebook Marketing

What is Facebook Marketing

  • Facebook Page Best Practices
  • KPIs to measure success
  • Facebook Insights
  • Facebook Business Manager

How does Facebook Advertising Work

  • Facebook Ad Campaign Objectives
  • Facebook Ad Targeting

Instagram & LinkedIn Marketing

Marketing on Instagram

  • Optimizing your instagram business profile
  • Crafting an Instagram content strategy
  • Best Practices
  • Influencer Marketing on Instagram
  • Analytics & Measurement
  • Instagram Ads

LinkedIn as a Marketing Platform

  • LinkedIn for Personal Branding
  • Brand Marketing on LInkedIn
  • LinkedIn Company Pages
  • LinkedIn Advanced Search
  • LinkedIn Premium
  • LinkedIn Ads

Twitter and Snapchat Marketing

Twitter Marketing

  • Twitter Marketing for Brand Awareness
  • Twitter Ads
  • Twitter Analytics
  • Twitter Tools – Crowdfire, Tweriod, Hashtagify, Ritetag, TweetReach & TweetArchivist

Snapchat Marketing

  • Snapchat for business
  • Building a following
  • Driving Engagement
  • Analytics & Measurement

Pinterest Marketing & Creating a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy

Pinterest Marketing

  • Pinterest for business
  • Marketing on Pinterest
  • Best Practices
  • Leveraging Rich Pins
  • Analytics & Measurement

Social Media Marketing Tools

  • Hootsuite
  • Buffer
  • TweetDeck
  • Sprout Social

Crafting a Successful Social Media Strategy

  • 10-step framework to crafting a successful Social Media strategy
  • Building Content That is Inherently Shareable
  • Creating Content for multiple platforms
  • Generating content ideas and building a plan
  • Effective Content Distribution
  • Evaluating Success


  • What’s analysis
  • Is analysis worth the effort
    • Small businesses
    • Medium and Large scale businesses
  • Analysis vs Intuition
  • Introduction to Web Analytics

Google Analytics

  • Getting Started With Google Analytics
  • How Google Analytics works
  • Accounts, profiles and users navigation
  • Google Analytics
  • Basic Metrics
  • The main sections of Google Analytics reports
    • Traffic Sources
    • Direct, referring, and search traffic
    • Campaigns
    • AdWords, AdSense

Content Performance Analysis

  • Pages and Landing Pages
  • Event Tracking and AdSense
  • Site Search

Visitors Analysis

  • Unique visitors
  • Geographic and language information
  • Technical reports
  • Benchmarking

Social Media Analytics

  • Facebook Insights
  • Twitter Analytics
  • YouTube Analytics
  • Social Ad Analytics /ROI measurement

Actionable Insights and the Big Picture

  • Recap of Google Analytics reports and tools
  • Finding actionable insights
  • Getting the organization involved
  • Creating a data-driven culture
  • Resources
  • Common mistakes analysts make
  • Additional Web analytics tools

Social CRM & Analysis

  • Radian6
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Workflow Management
  • Text Analytics

Digital Analytics

  • WebMasters
  • AdWords Reports, Custom Reports, Custom Dimensions
  • Dashboard and Segmentation
  • Multi-Channel Funnels Reports
  • Attribution modeling and reports

Platform Principles

  • The platform components
  • The data model
  • Measurement Protocol data collection
  • Importing data into Google Analytics
  • Reporting APIs and Report Sampling

Youtube SEO

YouTube Keyword Research
YouTube Titles & Descriptions
Make Engaging Videos
Eye-striking Thumbnails
Use Keywords while Talking
Optimize your Channel Page
Optimize your Playlists
Use Closed Captions
Use keyword in your Filename
Make Use of Youtube stories and posts

LMS Jobs

In-house element to go after positions and start a profession with your first Digital Marketing occupations.

Resume Building

Complete direction to assemble your first expert resume to grab the eye for selection representatives.


Devoted directing group to further develop your prospective employee meeting correspondence and communication abilities.

Mock Interview

Mock Interview meetings from specialists to help you get ready for the last meeting.

Master In Digital Marketing

  • Digital Marketing Overview
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Content Marketing
  • Website Development
  • Email Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Google updates (Algorithms)
  • Google Search console
  • Local Business Listening
  • Google Analytics
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Youtube Marketing Fundamentals
  • Google Adwords
  • Remarketing
  • Adsense
  • Competitors Analysis
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Lead Generation for Business
  • Mobile Marketing
  • E-commerce Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Drop-Shipping
  • Live Practical Session
  • Case Study Discussion
  • Agency Skills
  • Resume Building
  • Practical Approach
  • Placement Session
  • Freelancing Project
  • Digital Marketing Interview Preperation

3 Month Internship

35+ Digital Tools

100% Placement Asssistance

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DMC INFOTECH A brand name that symbolizes trust and effective learning to their students and is regarded as the best Digital Marketing Training Institute in DELHI NCR.

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